A method of ultimate precision in flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry ( FAAS) and applicable practice are introduced in this peper. 本文介绍一种在火焰原子吸收光谱分析中提高测量精确度的方法&极限精确度法及其应用实例。
Precision and accuracy of Spectrophotometry 分光光度法的精密度和准确度
Results: Both methods had high measurement precision, but the measurement result in UV VIS spectrophotometry was about 3 times that in HPLC. 结果:两种方法都有较好的精密度,但测定的结果有较大差异,紫外/可见分光光度法测得的结果比HPLC法高。
A High Precision Method for Accommodating Spectral Response Automatically for Multicomponent Analysis& Artificial Neural Networks Spectrophotometry 自动调节光谱响应的高精度多组分分析研究&人工神经网络分光光度法
Application of Dual-Wavelength Spectrophotometry to the Ore Analysis π. Lowering Detection Limit and Increasing Precision and Accuracy by Dual-Wavelength K-factor Spectrophotometry 双波长分光光度法在矿石分析中的应用&Ⅱ.双波长K系数法降低测定的检出限和提高测定的准确度和精密度
By analysis of the data obtained from systematic error, precision and accuracy estimations of the experiments, flame atomic aborption spectrophotometry ( FAAS) and O& phenanthroline Photometry were superior to EDTA titration. 通过对试验数据的系统误差、精密度、准确度估计进行分析,得出原子吸收光谱法、邻菲啰啉法优于EDTA滴定法。